Uses of Interface

Packages that use MessageHandler

Uses of MessageHandler in org.cid.distribution

Classes in org.cid.distribution that implement MessageHandler
 class DistributionNode
          This class represents each one of the nodes defined in a distribution process.

Methods in org.cid.distribution that return MessageHandler
 MessageHandler DistributionNode.getHandler()

Methods in org.cid.distribution with parameters of type MessageHandler
 void DistributionNode.setHandler(MessageHandler handler)

Uses of MessageHandler in org.cid.distribution.base

Classes in org.cid.distribution.base that implement MessageHandler
 class MessageHandlerBase
          A helper base class for the MessageHandler plugins contained in a DistributionProcess.

Uses of MessageHandler in org.cid.distribution.plugins.common

Classes in org.cid.distribution.plugins.common that implement MessageHandler
 class MessageCreatorHandler
          Returns an empty message of SimpleMessage class.
 class PassthroughHandler
          A handler that returns the same message that it received.

Uses of MessageHandler in

Classes in that implement MessageHandler
 class DataCombinatorHandler

Uses of MessageHandler in org.cid.distribution.plugins.list

Classes in org.cid.distribution.plugins.list that implement MessageHandler
 class ListCombinatorHandler

Uses of MessageHandler in org.cid.distribution.plugins.mail

Classes in org.cid.distribution.plugins.mail that implement MessageHandler
 class MailEditorHandler
          The OutputHandler sends the processed message directly to the OutputChannel.
 class MailWriterHandler
          This handler writes the message data to a file.
 class POP3Handler
          The POP3Handler stablishes a connection to a POP3 server and retrieves the messages stored, which are then forwarded to other nodes.
 class SMTPHandler
          A JavaMail based SMTP output channel implementation.

Uses of MessageHandler in org.cid.distribution.plugins.script

Classes in org.cid.distribution.plugins.script that implement MessageHandler
 class ScriptingHandler
          Executes arbitrary code.

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