Tag List Report
The following document contains the listing of user tags found in the code. Below is the summary of the occurences per tag.
Tag | Total number of occurences |
@deprecated | 0 |
@todo | 1 |
TODO | 31 |
Each tag is detailed below:
Number of occurences found in the code: 0
Number of occurences found in the code: 1
org.cid.distribution.DistributionProcess | Line |
Add a dependency system for initializing and cleaning components and nodes | 130 |
Number of occurences found in the code: 31
org.cid.distribution.DistributionManager | Line |
Warning! This closes the System.out stream! | 131 |
Use a command line switch to allow showing traces | 247 |
org.cid.distribution.DistributionMessage | Line |
Copy the variables in deep? | 55 |
org.cid.distribution.DistributionNode | Line |
Bring the DistributionNode config here from factory | 113 |
org.cid.distribution.DistributionProcess | Line |
This method should catch exceptions and perform cleanup on every component, and signal errors to the log. This may be clearer when the dependency system is introduced. | 163 |
org.cid.distribution.core.DistributionContext | Line |
The function mapping is set always with this approach, correct it (not extending SimpleContext) | 28 |
This has to be optimized | 125 |
org.cid.distribution.core.MessageFlowController | Line |
(Review) Wait on the node while a message is being processed through it. | 58 |
This will change when the pooling and concurrency strategies are implemented. | 59 |
Add an option to CLONE the message before forwarding | 75 |
org.cid.distribution.plugins.common.CommonFunctions | Line |
Move this methods to different classes in different packages, depending on which package is each methods related to. | 9 |
org.cid.distribution.plugins.db.QueryDataComponent | Line |
Use parameters! | 128 |
org.cid.distribution.plugins.list.DBMemberManagerComponent | Line |
Check that the table exists | 120 |
Auto-generated method stub | 160 |
Auto-generated method stub | 165 |
Auto-generated method stub | 170 |
Auto-generated method stub | 175 |
org.cid.distribution.plugins.list.DataToMemberEnumeration | Line |
Catching the exception avoids stopping the process on error, ok? | 54 |
Catching the exception avoids stopping the process on error, ok? | 65 |
Catch the possible ClassCastException? | 70 |
org.cid.distribution.plugins.list.ListCombinatorHandler | Line |
Aņadir un parametro para escoger el componente de tipo MemberManager | 83 |
This class must be an Enumerator | 154 |
org.cid.distribution.plugins.mail.DistributionMail | Line |
THIS CLAST SHOULD WRAP MimeMessage, INSTEAD OF EXTENDING IT ????? Shorcut methods should be provided, i.e. to fetch the first recipient address, etc... | 24 |
Do this in a correct way | 57 |
Find an efficient way to copy the message. | 84 |
Copy the variables in deep? | 102 |
Auto-generated method stub | 115 |
org.cid.distribution.plugins.mail.MailEditorHandler | Line |
Make this mechanism pluggable | 110 |
org.cid.distribution.plugins.mail.MailWriterHandler | Line |
Check if the created files already exist | 96 |
org.cid.distribution.plugins.mail.POP3Handler | Line |
Awful way of copying the message! redesign this thing | 188 |
org.cid.distribution.plugins.mail.SMTPHandler | Line |
Do not use the default session instance!!! | 101 |